Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 17-18, 2010: The week-end.

Days 7 and 8 were the weekend and we made good use of our downtime! Highlights were a tour around Huancayo, Chupaca, Rio Mantaro Valley, and the surrounding countryside as well as dinner with Violeta and her brother, Jimmy.
The tour included Identity Park (featuring Peru cultural symbols), an animal market (pigs, sheep, horses, cows, chickens - alive and dead - for sale), farmland, a mountain climb, pre-Inca ruins (where we saw ancient grain and agricultural storage), a boat ride around a local lake, churches, and the ancient Wariwilka temple and springs. We were joined by Nancy, her daughter, and Cynthia, two of our local host organization partners, who helped make the day truly memorable. Other memories … excellent driving by our tour driver (and a few close calls!), a wedding extravaganza, the good humour of our tour guide and his immense knowledge of history, and beautiful views of Huancayo from a distance and the Valley.

Dinner with Violeta and her brother was a fantastic traditional beef dish with corn bread and unbelievable sauces for Peruvian potatoes. We went to the local market in the morning (quite the experience) to pick up supplies and then helped with the cooking. It was a fun evening and Violeta and her brother gave all of us Peruvian pins to take home as a keepsake. We are all well fed and rested and ready to head back to work tomorrow!

Hamblamos luego…

Pam & Cathy

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