Today Violeta( Developing World Connections Host Partner) took us to a school where we were to give our donations. The bus drove us out of Huancayo and into a small farm town called, Tambo Anya. When we arrived we were greeted by the principle of the elementary school. There were a few kids peeking around the corner at us and running and hiding when the saw me with my camera. lol. The principle took us into the grade 5-6 class first. They sang us a little song that translated to, "how are you my friends how are you?" and we replied, "very good!" They had a chance to ask us some questions, like where we are from, our names, what our weather is like, what kind of animals we have etc. We also asked them the same kind of questions. Some of the kids said the wanted to attend university, to become things like engineer, architect, doctor. We presented them with our gifts. 4 backpacks for the class room filled with, books, scribblers, pencils, toys, etc. and also a soccer ball and frisbee. none of the kids had ever seen a frisbee before so we did a little demonstration :) Some of the kids got up to try too. Its going to take a little practice :) We noticed that some kids were still wondering in after a while and we were told that the kids come whenever the parents can bring them. Because some live far out of town and also the kids help out on the farms. I think that is typical in any farming community in any culture. but in ours, maybe old fashioned? ..
We then went to the grade 1-2 class, This time after all the Q&A's we played a little game. The over and under game. We divided into two groups and made two rows down the class room and each team got a ball. We had to first pass over our head to the next person and then they have to pass under their legs to the next person. The last person gets to run to the front of the line and start again. Who ever cycles through the group the fastest wins! When Shay asked if they wanted to play a game, and Violeta translated, the kids faces lit up and said SIIIII!!!! And with big smiles they were ready for their game. Next we went to the 3-4 class. This time Andrew played a little Ben E. King on the guitar and we all sang Stand by Me. The kids sang a song back to us too. We passed around the gifts and candy too. The kids were delighted to have us there and asked us lots of questions. Jarret did a little yoyo demo and one of the boys got up to try. Jarret said if He could get it all the way back up again he would win the yoyo! And he did. While they were demonstrating the frisbee I was crouched next to some the desks. I heard a little voice whisper, senorita, senorita, senoritaaa. I finally noticed a little boy was trying to get my attention. he asked me something but I couldn't hear because he was whispering. He was saying, quanto anos? (I had Violeta tell me what he said) quanto anos means how old are you? so I told him, and I guess that is all he needed to know. it was so sweet :) Each of the class rooms were in three separate buildings, and in between was a beautiful courtyard. In the courtyard was also a garden. When we all gathered there one of the teacher's, Ricardo, brought us each glass of inca cola on a tray. Inca cola is bright yellow and taste a bit like bubble gum or cream soda. Some of the kids came out to play with their new soccer balls and Andrew and Jeff played with them. After, we all gathered and Ricardo thanked us for coming and brought out some gifts for us! He explained to us that the town was built on an archealogical site. The Huancas use to live in this valley many many years ago (hence the name Huancayo) And the Incas tried to defeat them but failed. When the school was built, a garden was made in the courtyard which the children tend too. While digging in the garden, the children came across some archaeological finds! Pieces of pottery, tools, and even toys, from the time the Huancas lived there. He told us that as a gift for coming to the school we may each take a piece with us. I was so thrilled to see these, I dug through the box and took so many pictures. What an amazing find! I part of me felt like this history should stay in the country, but another part of me thought what a wonderful memory to take home. and one of the coolest pieces I will ever get from another country. I'm sorry Peru but I'm taking a piece of pottery home with me. And of course it is proper to take a gift when given :)
Before we left some of the children came out and shared their breakfast with us. Each morning the kids get a packaged bun and milk for breakfast. It was so very sweet of them to share with us, it really touched my heart. A bun and milk is so simple.. it was for them, but they shared with us.. :)
After the school we went to work and continued up on the second and top floor of the admin building. We layed bricks, (well, some of us did...) with Augusto, and hauled equipment up to the roof top on a rickety wooden ladder.
Amber Lee
DWC Participant
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