Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lima, Peru: Day 2 was no easy task

Mar. 20, 2012

Dia dos terminado!  This was a full day of hard work by all of us, and we are certainly feeling tired tonight.

This time we headed straight to the work site, after a brief stop to pick up uno serrucho, and once we got there we continued right where we left off the day before. Working alongside local construction buffs "Big Boss" Abdias and Miguel the concrete mixmaster, we continued work on the stairway to the school's dining hall.

Oh yes, let me make an amendment!  In my blog of yesterday, I falsely reported that we had filled and leveled nearly every step of the stairwell we are building. What I meant to say was that we had nearly HALF the steps completed. Today we tackled the rest, working our way upwards which meant increasingly high climbs with buckets of concrete. On top of that, we began digging a trench to form the basis of a walkway alongside the dining hall. Hence tonight's exhaustion!

Throughout the day we also practiced several newly learned Spanish words and phrases, managing fragments of friendly conversation with the other workers and school children. The end of the day was one big photo fest, all of us posing and jesting with the kids. Their enthusiasm makes our aching muscles totally worth the effort.

Time now to rest. Hasta mañana!

Cory Stumpf
DWC Participant
Lima, Peru March 2012

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